In the mobile journalism workshops organised within the scope of the Journalism for Juniors, young people are given courses on written and oral storytelling, field production, and video shooting and editing techniques with mobile devices such as phones and tablets, as well as basic introductory topics in journalism.

Journalism 101

What is journalism?

Who is the journalist?

 Who, What, Where, Why, When? 

How would you describe the news?

 News, How to describe current events?

How to make a sample, interview, and script?

What is the importance of modern journalism and social media?

Filed Producing

Techniques to develop your own perspective.

Working tactics in the field

Environment and human relations,

Team Work,

 Interview techniques and skills,

Breaking news

Methods of narrating a current issue,

Basic information about photography and video shooting angles and montage applications is given

Story Telling

How to create a good story

Writing exercises

Creative writing

The power of storytelling

Visual storytelling

The cornerstones of the story

Story techniques used for important topics

Creating a story map

Mobile Journalism

Introduction to mobile journalism

Video editing in the mobile app

Social media usage techniques

Audience interactions

The ability to share stories in a credible and meaningful way

Basic technical skills related to shooting mobile video.

Shooting & Editing techniques

Field Production arrangements.