“Everyone has a story, and everyone should be able to tell their story”. 
Journalism for Juniors encourages young people to be both the object, and the subject of the news. By focusing on the development of individual awareness and agency, it empowers youth to be the voice of not only themselves, but also those who cannot be heard. The main objective of the Journalism for Juniors Project is to help young people enact real and positive change in the world, and equip them with the skills to do so.


Journalism 101

Journalism 101 course explains the basic principles of journalism and what news is.

Field Producing

Teaches creating your own point of view, working in the field and interview techniques.

Story Telling

Teaches creative writing, focussing on storytelling

Mobile Journalism

Gives information about the importance of mobile journalism and mobile shooting techniques.

J4J With Numbers


How many Countries ?


How many Workshops ?


How many students ?


How many years ?