Term Of Use

https://worldcitizen.trtworld.com is a website (hereinafter shall be referred to as “Website”) all rights of which belongs to Türkiye Radyo Televizyon Kurumu (“TRT”). The Website’s domain rights, all its content, template, design, videos and music it contains and all the rights in and to the records and documents on the Website including but not limited to all the information, visual and audio recordings it contains, as well as the rights vested under the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“FSEK”) pertaining to the works included on the Website belong to TRT.

Please read this “Website Terms of Use” text carefully before using the Website. Users may start using the Website after consenting to these terms of use, with the understanding that they shall act in compliance with the conditions written herein. Submitting your consent to the below mentioned Terms of Use and/or using this Website in any manner shall mean your acceptance of the Terms of Use in advance. If any of the terms mentioned herein is not acceptable for you, please do not consent to these terms of use and do not use the Website.

  1. Rights and Obligations of the User

    User means any natural person or legal entity that uses the website by logging in to it or in any other way.

    1. All the videos, texts, graphics, photos, animations, audios and all other visual, audio and written contents on the Website belong to TRT. Unless otherwise stated, they may not be used for commercial or personal purposes and without providing reference.
    2. The components or contents such as videos, music, visuals, documents, pages, graphics, designs etc. that are on the Website may not be published or used in another media or otherwise copied, moved to another location or quoted, either partly or as a whole.
    3. The components or contents such as videos, music, visuals, documents, pages, graphics, designs, etc. on the Website may not be published, used, copied, transferred to another location or quoted, either partly or in full, as malicious content or by being distorted or altered or in a misleading and erroneous manner and in any way that will impair their existing forms or otherwise in contrary to the law, ethics and morals.
    4. The performances and/or works with reserved rights made available on the Website may not in any way be reproduced, distributed, quoted, published, performed, communicated to the public or used, without the consent of their owners.
    5. The user may not copy or use the software that is used for the design of the Website and to create database, all rights to which belong to TRT, or may not unlawfully obtain the Website passwords or attempt to hack the Website in anyway whatsoever.
    6. The user may not act in a way which would prevent or complicate the use of the Website, may not force/block the servers or databases by overloading them with automatic programs and may not make fraudulent attempts.
    7. The user may not use any software or program which would threaten the security of the Website or hinder the functioning of the software used or may not engage in similar attempts/activities.
    8. The user may not harm the Website and/or TRT, derive unfair benefit or misuse the Website and its contents, by making use of any vulnerability (technical or otherwise) of the Website.
    9. The user may not use the IP address, electronic mail address, user name and other information of another person in the Internet medium, without authorization or in an unlawful manner.
    10. The user may not save on the Website wrong, irregular, incomplete and misleading information or information which contains expressions against the general codes of ethic and does not comply with the laws of the Republic of Turkey.
    11. The user agrees to comply with the provisions of the Turkish Criminal Code, Turkish Commercial Code, Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, Industrial Property Law, Turkish Code of Obligations and the relevant legislation as well as any announcements and notices to be posted by TRT on the Website, while using the Website.
    12. TRT shall not assume any liability if access to the Website is prevented in whole or in part without the fault of TRT.
    13. The Website may provide the user with the opportunity to upload messages, comments, files, documents and content. Any opinions or ideas posted by the users on the Website are solely their personal opinions and shall be binding only upon them. Opinions and statements with the aim of making political and philosophical propaganda may not be posted on the Website. It is prohibited to carry out any activities or make any suggestions which pursue a goal that may be harmful to the society or contrary to the general ethics and law. It is prohibited to use any words and perform any acts that support a specific political opinion or are insulting, threatening or aimed at harassment.
    14. The user accepts, declares and undertakes in advance that it shall not carry out any acts or post any components on the Website such as texts, videos, photographs, slogans, pictures, caricatures, drawings, quotes, songs, melodies or comments that are considered as crime under the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, the Turkish Criminal Code and the relevant special laws and necessitate compensation or have an unlawful, deterrent, threatening or insulting content or are unethical, improper, obscene, pornographic, derogatory, slanderous, defamatory or that contain profane language etc. or are otherwise destructive to public safety, national unity and solidarity or are contrary to general code of ethics, public interest and fundamental rights and freedoms, and that otherwise it will be personally liable for the same.
    15. The user accepts, declares and undertakes not to use any mobile and interactive applications for advertisement, promotion and commercial purposes, directly or indirectly through the Website.
    16. The user accepts, declares and undertakes not to access to or use private and confidential programs, files, information or areas with similar content belonging to other users (individuals or organizations) in an unauthorized manner. Otherwise, they will assume any and all civil and criminal liability arising therefrom.
    17. The user will solely be liable towards TRT as well as public institutions, organizations and third parties for the nature and content of their activities and materials disclosed such as texts, videos, photos, slogans, images, caricatures, drawings, quotes or comments and their compliance with applicable legislation.
    18. The user declares and acknowledges that it is legally authorized to use the services and access to the Website and that they assume all the liability of selecting and using the services and accessing to the Website and that there is no hindrance thereto. The user accepts, declares and undertakes that its access may be blocked by TRT even if it fulfills this undertaking.
    19. The user is responsible for obtaining and maintaining the necessary equipment and supporting services required for the access and connection to the Website. The user is responsible for having all the necessary devices and equipment, including but not limited to modems, computer hardware, software, long or short distance phone services, which are required for the use of the services. The user is responsible for ensuring the compatibility of such equipment and supporting services with the services.
    20. The user accepts that it will be responsible for achieving a secure transaction when it makes payment through the Website and use credit card.
    21. The user is recommended not to share its own or third parties’ phone numbers, mail addresses, home addresses etc. while using forums, chat rooms and other interactive areas for their own safety, and they accept that they assume the entire responsibility in this respect.
    22. The user is obliged to comply with the Personal Data Protection Policy of TRT published on the Website, while using the Website and/or against other Users.
    23. The user agrees and undertakes that it has accessed the personal data including the special categories of personal data that they have obtained while using the Website, forums, chat rooms and other interactive areas, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (”PDPL”) and other applicable legislation and subject to the explicit consent of the persons where explicit consent is required, and that they have obtained any and all explicit consents from data subjects and in accordance with the law except for the exemptions under the PDPL, and that it will be personally responsible for the collection, processing, storage, disclosure and protection of such personal data. The users agrees, declares and undertakes to hold harmless and indemnify any data subject and/or TRT for/against any damages that the data subject, and/or indirectly TRT, may incur, including any and all claims that any administrative or judicial authority or a third party may raise, as a result of the users’ violation of the PDPL and their disclosure of any file/document/information containing Personal Data, without the explicit consent of the data subject and/or in violation of the applicable legislation. This article shall remain effective for an indefinite term as long as the users remain active and even after the User’s status terminates.
  2. Users under 18 Years of Age – Responsibility of Legal Representatives
    1. The users accepts, declares and undertakes that it is aware of the fact that in respect of all the activities carried out on the Website, the transactions and activities which must be carried out by people of legal age possessing the capacity to act as per law may only be performed by people of legal age (in particular, conforming to the condition of being older than 18 years of age) and the minors (in particular, those who are under 18 years of age) can only perform transactions through their legal guardians and otherwise the Website and its administrators shall not assume any liability.
    2. Legal guardians shall solely be responsible for closely monitoring all the activities that are carried out on the Website by the minors (kids) and make the necessary interventions and TRT shall not assume liability for any damages arising in this respect.
    3. Legal guardians shall be liable for the accuracy of the information to be given which belongs to minors. The legal guardians shall be liable for any damages including loss of right, which may arise from such information being wrong, incomplete, erroneous and/or outdated.
    4. As the permission of the users’ legal representatives is necessary to use the Website contents, forums and other interactive areas, it shall be considered that the permission of your legal representative has been obtained if these areas are used. The users are recommended not to share their personal data such as school names, phone numbers, home addresses etc. while using these areas and they accept that otherwise, TRT shall not be liable.
  3. Security Measures
    1. User accounts are protected by password. If the users forget their password, a new password will be sent to their e-mail accounts. Due to security reasons, the passwords shall not be sent to any other address than the registered e-mail addresses of the users.
    2. TRT pays attention to the adaptation of the necessary measures for security on its Website. Therefore, regular security tests are run in the system and effort is made in order not to allow any security vulnerability. Despite this, occurrences of illegal access to the user profiles may be encountered from time to time. Below listed security measures must be observed in order not to encounter a security problem.

      1. The user must carry out regular virus scans on its computers, update the anti-virus program periodically and should not open the files received from unknown persons through e-mail.
      2. The passwords must consist of combinations with low predictability, made up of letters and figures. It should be noted that predictable passwords such as date of birth, name, letters or numbers in a sequence, name of the supported sports team, etc. may be stolen easily.
      3. E-mail addresses and passwords should never be entered in the non-institutional personal sites or blogs or unrecognized fields, other than e-mail providers (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc.)
      4. If a shared computer is used (workplace or Internet cafe); after logging in to the Website, the page should not be left before clicking on “Exit” link which signifies secure exit and which is situated on the right upper side. Using this method instead of closing the browser will prevent the person who will enter to the Website later by using the same computer, from accessing to the page of the user. TRT may post new notices in this respect at any time.
  4. Liability and Account Restrictions
    1. An e-mail notifying that access to forums and other interactive areas is temporarily or permanently suspended shall be sent to the users who violate the terms of use or the applicable legislation. If the user continues to violate the rules despite the notice by TRT, its TRT accounts shall be deleted. TRT reserves the right to delete the TRT account of the user and seek legal remedies against the user without sending an e-mail regarding the suspension of access.
    2. If TRT determines that the user has more than one account to harass other users or disturb the general forum peace, TRT shall delete all accounts of such users. The users shall enter a valid e-mail address they regularly log in. TRT shall delete the user’s accounts created with a temporary e-mail address or an e-mail address belonging to third parties, without making any notification. If an e-mail address is determined to be invalid, TRT shall request the renewal of this e-mail address. If TRT determines that a user accesses his accounts via proxy IPs in order to conceal that they use more than one TRT account, or misuses any TRT service, TRT reserves the right to delete the account of such user.
    3. Any civil, criminal, administrative and financial liabilities arising from any use contrary to the notices stated in the Terms of Use and the laws shall be borne by the user.
    4. The user will indemnify TRT fully for any loss arising from their actions contrary to the obligations stated under the Terms of Use and they acknowledge and accept that recourse is available against them for any compensation and/or administrative/judicial fines which TRT might have to pay.
    5. The user may not engage in activities that may prevent or complicate other people’s use of the Website and block the servers or databases by overloading them with automatic programs. Otherwise, any civil or criminal liability arising therefrom shall be borne by the users.
    6. The user accepts that any material that has an insulting, harassing or pornographic content or relate to sales of prohibited gambling, gaming, betting, etc., or any material aimed to promote, sell, market or recommend any prescription medications and all addictive substances that fall in the scope of drugs, or any material relating to injuring, murdering or dismembering human and animals or violence, and in summary, any material that may severely harm human psychology including those containing weapons and explosives, and any and all materials the ownership or license/authorization to which the users cannot prove shall be deleted without any warning.
    7. The users accept and undertake that TRT may, whether with or without notice or warning, remove, or when required, block the access to the materials uploaded or disclosed by the users, such as activities, texts, videos, photographs, slogans, picture, caricatures, drawings, quotes, songs, melodies or comments, etc. TRT is entitled to unilaterally suspend or cancel the service provided as well as the materials, temporarily or permanently, at any time without any reason.
    8. TRT may block the usage of and access to the Website at any time and without any warning and notice, at its own discretion and without any reason.
    9. TRT, its directors, employees or representatives and its subsidiaries shall not be liable for any direct, special, indirect or consequential losses or damages including but not limited to loss of use, profit or data arising from or related with the use of the website, services, TRT contents or any material in or accessed via the website, whether in contract or in tort (including but not limited to fault), including but not limited to any damages arising from user’s reliance on any information obtained from TRT or mistakes, omissions, interruptions, or deletion of files or e-mails, or errors, defects, viruses, delays in operation or transmission, or performance problems, regardless of whether or not they are caused by disasters, communication problems, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to TRT records, programs or services.
    10. TRT shows all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy, suitability and reliability of the Website contents but does not give any guarantee regarding accuracy, suitability or reliability.
    11. The Website may include links to facilitate access to other websites operated by third parties. TRT does not operate or supervise the information, products and services on the Websites or applications to which links are given. TRT does not give any explicit or indirect guarantee regarding the contents and use of these websites. TRT does not give any undertaking of conformity regarding the accuracy or safety of the contents of these websites, either. The user will be responsible for the use of the websites and applications accessed via links.
  5. Matters Subject to Intellectual and Artistic Property Rights – Letter of Consent
    1. With respect to the intellectual and industrial works such as all the opinions, activities, texts, videos, photos, slogans, pictures, caricatures, songs, melodies, images, drawings, quotes or comments uploaded and expressed online by the users which they undertake that they own and for the inaccuracy of which undertaking they are liable; the user accepts, declares and undertakes that it has transferred to TRT, without any limitation in terms of location, quantity and time and in a manner that is transferable to 3rd parties, all the monetary rights consisting of adaptation stipulated in Article 21 of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, reproduction stipulated under Article 22 thereof, distribution stipulated under Article 23 thereof, performance stipulated under Article 24 thereof, and right to communicate to the public by any means enabling transmission of signs, sounds and/or images, stipulated under Article 25 thereof, which rights they own and/or which they have taken over from their rightful owners and associated right holders, as well as the worldwide rights to reproduce, distribute, release to market or perform, by means of making recordings on music cassettes, compact disks, MP3 and other sound and/or image carriers and any sound and/or image carriers which may be invented in the future, and rights to broadcast on radio and television by cable, satellite, terrestrial, digital, analogue, encrypted and otherwise and by methods which may be invented in the future; the rights to reproduce, distribute, release to market and perform such audio and/or image recordings on the Internet, mobile and similar computer platforms, IVR (Interactive Voice Response), GSM platforms (mobile phone ring tones, etc.); the right to adaptation as video clips and rights to distribution, reproduction and performance pertaining to such sound and/or image recordings and rights to broadcast the same on television by cable, satellite, terrestrial, digital, analogue, encrypted and otherwise and by methods which may be invented in the future, and by using any and all methods and in any forms that may be invented in the future, including in particular but not limited to the foregoing; and in this respect, the financial rights consisting of adaptation rights stipulated in Article 21 of FSEK, reproduction rights stipulated under Article 22 thereof, distribution rights stipulated under Article 23 thereof, performance rights stipulated under Article 24 thereof, and the rights to communicate to the public by any means enabling transmission of signs, sounds and/or images, stipulated under Article 25 of FSEK.
    2. The user accepts and undertakes that it may not use the materials and data that they watched, obtained or downloaded on the Website for any purposes other than personal purposes, make them the subject of any trading, transfer them to 3rd parties or allow their use by making stock or archive thereof, and in summary, they may not use or allow their use other than pursuant to authorization and the conditions specified on the Website.
    3. The user accepts, declares and undertakes that all the intellectual property items such as opinions, activities, texts, videos, photos, slogans, pictures, caricatures, drawings, quotes, songs, melodies or comments that they have expressed or uploaded on the Website belongs to itself or it is otherwise authorized to use, distribute, communicate to the public or commercialize them etc. and that in the contrary cases they shall be personally liable for any proceedings and claims.
    4. Use of certain trademark or other distinguishing names and/or marks of third parties on this Website shall not mean that there is any relationship or license agreement between these parties and TRT or that TRT approves the goods, services and transactions of such third parties. Without written permission of TRT or the relevant third parties holding the intellectual property rights, nothing in the contents gives to the user any right of use or license on the trademarks, distinctive names and signs, logos and designs and similar intellectual property rights belonging to TRT or third parties.
  6. Changes and Updates
    1. TRT may amend the Website and these Terms of Use unilaterally without any notice. Amended and updated Terms of Use of the Website will be posted with the date of the update. Updated Terms of Use will be effective as soon as they are posted and thereafter the usage of Website will be subject to the amended Terms of Use.
    2. Please regularly check the Terms of Use for becoming aware of any change. The continuation of the use of the Website shall mean that the Users fully accept the changed terms of use.
    3. TRT may unilaterally suspend the Website temporarily or permanently, change the content of the service or cancel the same, at any time without any reason.
    4. TRT may stipulate different rules and liabilities specific to a section in certain parts of the Website. The persons and organizations who use such parts are deemed to have accepted the relevant rules in advance.
  7. Severability

    If any provision of the Terms of Use is canceled and is deemed invalid or inapplicable by the legal authorities, the effectiveness and applicability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected and they shall remain fully applicable.

  8. Exercise of Rights

    If TRT delays in exercising or partially exercises or fails to exercise any right/authorization hereunder explicitly or implicitly or temporarily or permanently, this shall not be considered as even a partial waiver of such right/authorization, and any individual or partial exercise of any right/authorization shall not prevent the full exercise of the same or the exercise of another right/authorization in future.

  9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    1. The Central Courts and Execution Offices of Ankara (Turkey) shall have jurisdiction in resolving any disputes which may arise from the use of the Website and enforcement of the provisions and legal relations under these terms of use.
    2. The courts of the Republic of Turkey shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute that may arise or is related with these terms of use.
    3. Users’ log-in and/or e-mail addresses that they declare on the Website shall be accepted as its legal notice addresses for any notices to be served.